Wednesday, June 5, 2013

SPSite.MakeFullUrl Lies To You and Me!!

Today we are complaining about this method of SPSite: MakeFullUrl

The complaint is this: In SharePoint 2010, it always returns the root web url, no matter what site collection instance it is used upon.

Here is the example: Given the following code block, what would you expect the resulting output to be when used in different site collection contexts:

Test 1
Hitting the code at http://sharepoint/_layouts/test.aspx – the ROOT site collection - results in the output:

Test 2
Hitting the code at http://sharepoint/sites/AnotherSiteCollection/_layouts/test.aspx – the AnotherSiteCollection site collection - results in the output:

Since MakeFullUrl is an instance method of an SPSite object, you would think the result URL would take the SPSite into consideration. It does not, and therefore it sucks.
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